by maurice
11. June 2010 18:18
At Teeco Solutions we have long said that the value that we bring to tent rental owners and operators can effectively be measured in 2 ways:
1. Reduce the cost of labor associated with the cleaning and washing of tents by improving operating efficiencies;
2. Improve the quality look of tents and thus migrating a percentage of those “B” grade tents to “A” grade and realize incremental revenue and profit as a result.
We can make these claims all day long, but no one says it better than a satisfied customer. Recently Teeco Solutions was fortunate to sell one of our Model 3000 washers to Aable Rental Company, Cleveland, OH. We just received the following testimonial from Ramsey Duqum, Partner & COO of Aable Tents. Check out what Ramsey had to say about the process that he and his company went through before making the decision to purchase a Teeco washer.
“Making the purchase of a Model 3000 machine from Teeco Solutions was a big decision for us at Aable Rents. Prior to making the decision we researched the economics of purchasing the machine utilizing 3 years of historical data. Based on our labor savings calculations, we are estimating that we will save upwards of $15,000 in labor costs alone over the traditional manual washing of tents in the coming year. What’s more we’ve already found that the Teeco washer improves the quality look of our tents over manual washing. We’re now able to clean those hard to get at webbing and straps that we were never able to properly clean before. Our primary goal at Aable Rents over the years has been to provide quality products and unparalleled service to our customers. Meeting or exceeding our customers expectations with every event, every party, no exceptions, no excuses. With the help of Teeco Solutions, this goal has become much easier to accomplish efficiently.”
-Ramsey Duqum, Aable Rents, Cleveland, OH.
Thank you, Ramsey for sharing with us what the Teeco washer has meant to your business. We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve you and your business. If there is someone reading this blog that is running into similar challenges and looking for solutions to mechanize the age old process of washing commercial tents, let us hear from you. Visit our website at or call us toll free at 877-712-9172 and ask for Matt. Here’s to the continuous pursuit of finding more efficient and effective ways to mechanize the manual for tent rental owners and operators.
4/15/2011 4:13:18 PM
We are true believers in tent washing and have had one for many years. We even replaced one with a teeco machine. We have been frustrated at times when doing larger pieces of fabric and have them come out and not be clean. Rewashing is very disruptive to productivity. We have trie several different methods to get better results and we have had teeco visit and show us their recomendations. To this day we occassionally still have this problem and tents required a second wash. If anybody has figured this out we would love to hear the answer.
6/6/2011 3:45:35 PM
Erich, Have you checked your water hardness lately? Last time we were there you had a extremely hard water supply. Hard water makes is very difficult for the chemicals to do their part. Are you sure that the water temperature is consistant and correct? You may want to call Matt Cosbey of Dallas Party rentals to get some help in these areas. Also, how about you and I touch base again to see what we can identify in about your process that may be hindering the larger tops.