Everything for Tent Cleaning

Hand cleaning tools, chemicals and machines that will improve your tent cleaning operation.




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Attention Tent Rental Businesses!

Cleaner Tent Tops for Better Profits Book Cover

Finally—a book that is ALL about cleaning tents! Written by Steve Arendt, respected entrepreneur and expert in the industry, Cleaning Tent Tops For Happier Customers & Better Profits is a comprehensive, practical guide to cleaning party rental tents.  This book is LOADED with TIPS, SECRETS, METHODS, NEW INFORMATION AND MONEY SAVING IDEAS!  And it’s “format friendly,” written as a series of specific questions and answers, so that even if you’re too busy growing a company to read this book in its entirety, you can browse through the various questions posed, and pick out the most important answers to what is currently keeping you from growing your business.  Topics include everything from the basics of using bleach to leaf stain removal to how to leverage clean tents to increase sales to how to increase your income by 20% without doing anything!  If you’re in the industry and cleaning tents, this book is a must have!  To order this treasure trove of information for just $14.99, click on the book or call 877-712-9172.  We guarantee it will be money well spent!  In If you don’t get at least one good idea from this book, we’ll refund your money!  But you must ACT NOW to take advantage of this money back guarantee; the offer expires June 30th, 2014.